Many in the U.S. suffer from insomnia. Insomnia occurs for several reasons such as starting a new job or worrying about a health condition that a person is suffering from or other reasons. To be clear, insomnia is difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Those suffering from insomnia often feel dissatisfied with their sleep and often experience one or more of the following symptoms: difficulty concentrating, low energy, fatigue and a decrease in performance at work or at school.
Talk with your doctor!
If your insomnia becomes habitual and interferes with your everyday life, you should seek help. Help with insomnia should begin by talking with your doctor. If you doctor is familiar with insomnia and knows what causes it, he or she can guide you toward what to do next. It may involve an assessment and testing or a referral to a sleep specialist. In addition, your doctor could refer you to a psychotherapist if your sleep disturbances appear to be connected to depression, anxiety or a major life adjustment
Non-medical treatments for insomnia
Keep in mind; there are non-medical treatments for insomnia such as relaxation training. Relaxation training can teach you how to systematically tense and relax your muscles. This method works for many because it is a slow and easy method that slowly calms down every part of your body. When used methodically before going to sleep, it can be quite effective. Other relaxation techniques that help are mindfulness, breathing exercises and guided imagery.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is another non-medical treatment; it includes changes in a patient’s behavior such as going to bed and getting up at the same time, taking short naps and keeping the bed only for sleeping. Cognitive behavioral therapy challenges unhealthy beliefs and fears that pertain to sleep and teaches rational, positive thinking. Cognitive-behavioral therapy delves into why you are having problems sleeping and offer several solutions on how to overcome insomnia.
Medical treatments for insomnia
There are also medical treatments for insomnia such as over-the-counter sleep aids, as well as prescription medications. Examples of prescription insomnia medications are Ambien, Lunesta and Sonata. It is important to note; some sleep medicines cause side effects such as anxiety, low blood pressure and nausea. Keep in mind; there are also alternative medicine, like cbd oil (info: buy cbd oil), that some take for insomnia; however, before taking this kind of medicine it is advisable to first talk with your doctor.
To conclude, many in the U.S. and around the world suffer from insomnia. Talk with your doctor soon and find a treatment option that would best fit your needs. Everyone experiences insomnia now and then; especially if he or she begins a new job and has anxiety; however, when insomnia becomes chronic, see your doctor.