Many people own guns and use them for an array of different reasons. Hunters, law enforcement workers, and everyday people need a place to go to practice shooting their guns. Gun ranges have become the place to go for gun enthusiasts, hunters, law enforcement workers, and anyone interested in practicing shooting. Gun ranges are the perfect place to brush up on your skills and improve your shooting abilities.
Although gun ranges are a safer option for people who are looking into practicing shooting, it does not come without dangers. Going to the shooting range requires you to think about many safety measures in order to safely shoot. Gun ranges can also be a little hard on the ears, so a safety measure that needs to be taken is proper ear protection. If you have ever been to a gun range you might have experienced some hearing loss or discomfort. If you have then your ear protection might be lacking. There are multiple options for ear protection for anyone who goes to the gun range, but what is theĀ best ear protection for shooting? Let’s find out.
Types of Ear Protection
Exterior muffs are a simple solution to protect your ears. Muffs are a great option for anyone wanting to protect their ears on a budget. They are widely available, effective, simple, and are a cost-friendly option. There are electronic and passive earmuff options. Electronic muffs are more effective but are more costly as well. Some electronic options even come with features that allow you to manipulate sound levels so that you can better hear other people. Both electronic and passive earmuffs are effective but do come with some drawbacks. The downside to this option is that they can be a bit uncomfortable and your choices in hats and shooting glasses can be affected. These are a budget-friendly option.
In-ear or earplugs are a great option for someone who doesn’t want their hat and shooting glasses choices to become affected. This in-ear buds fit in your ear comfortably and without affecting your other safety gear. The downside is that these are more expensive than other options and the battery life is not that good. Although they are very effective at keeping out the noise, they also are too effective making it nearly impossible for you to hear other people. So if communicating with other people is a major part of your gun range experience then these might not be the best option for you. But they are an effective option for any shooter.
If you enjoy gun ranges then you know how safe ear protection is, and if you’re new to shooting you now know how important it is. Proper ear protection is a must for anyone heading to the gun range. If gun ranges have become one of your hobbies, then it is time to get serious about your ear protection. Investing in proper ear protection is important for your overall health. Muff and in-ear options are perfect for anyone heading to the gun range.